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Our Story

We are Dominik and Lexi Trost and we are the owners of Thames Hill Homestead. Our journey together started in 2014 when Dominik took a trip from his hometown in Germany to work on a farm in Canada. We met each other shortly after he arrived and we have been inseparable ever since. Lexi grew up on her family's multi-generational cattle farm outside of Exeter, Ontario. At the age of 13, she started working for the family farm by pen-checking cattle in the morning. Lexi was responsible for the health of the cattle on the farm. This is where her love of animals grew, and this love has proven to be the motivation behind all the animals we have now. In her spare time Lexi rode horses and travelled to local barrel racing competitions. Lexi was also notorious for bringing home all sorts of unwanted and orphaned critters and doing her best to nurture them back to health. From the very beginning she loved everything about the farm and the animals on it. 











Dominik on the other hand did not grow up on a family farm but in a small town in Germany called Wehrda. He was lucky enough to have farmers living close by that allowed him the opportunity to experience farm life, despite not having a family farm of his own. From a young age he volunteered his time to help local farmers; work the land, repair equipment, and tend to livestock in a regenerative way. And when the time came, he chose to study agriculture for his post-secondary education, which lucky for us lead him to Canada for work experience. Shortly after arriving in Canada, Dominik and Lexi were introduced to each other by way of mutual friends.












Today we are lucky enough to live in the farmhouse that Lexi grew up in, and work alongside Lexi’s family on the family farm. Though Dominik and Lexi were happy to both be working on the family farm, we wanted to start something of our own, so together launched Thames Hill Homestead in 2017.  We originally started our journey like any homestead does, by purchasing some chickens to have our own farm fresh eggs. From there we quickly expanded by adding a garden to the backyard and purchasing our first few milk goats. We really liked the idea of growing and raising our own food, so we continued to add animals that would help us achieve these goals which eventually lead us to the pigs. We are very passionate about raising our animals in a regenerative way by offering nutritious pastures to roam and feed of.If you are interested in learning more about the types of animals we raise on our homestead please visit the KuneKune and Nigerian Dwarf pages.


We are excited to be on this journey together and even more excited to share it with our daughter who arrived in September 2022. Together we look forward to seeing what the future holds for our family and business. Thank you for taking the time to read our story and stopping by to look around our site. If you have any questions for us, we would love to hear from you!

                                                                        Dominik & Lexi 

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